The Deleted Chapter of Crysis 3: Misty Mountains | Gaming-DB

The Deleted Chapter of Crysis 3: Misty Mountains

Crysis 3 Misty Mountains Chapter

Games undergo many changes during their development. Sometimes because they realize what they planned isn’t possible, sometimes because they don’t have time to create what they dreamed of. Whatever the reason, Crysis 3 has a deleted chapter: Misty Mountains.

Important scenes from this chapter were transferred to other chapters when it was cancelled. Some scenes in Safeties Off and Red Star Rising chapters were originally planned for the Misty Mountains chapter. Let’s begin.

Spoiler Warning
This article contains many spoilers for Crysis 3. If you're planning to play the game, we don't recommend reading.

Hivemind Scene (C3MistyMountainsHivemind_40534656)

After going to the nanosuit lab with Psycho and deactivating the nanites in Prophet’s suit, the chapter begins. Claire tells Prophet that he could turn into a Ceph.

The Cephs likely cause the surface to collapse by destroying their underground bases. The already devastated Earth becomes even worse with these collapses. The Misty Mountains, which give the chapter its name, likely refer to the mountain-like buildings that remain around the collapsed grounds. If you look at the concept design for the chapter, you’ll understand what I mean.

As you progress a bit in the chapter, you encounter a Ceph structure. When Prophet examines the structure, the surrounding Cephs start to think he is the Alpha Ceph.

Normally, this part happens in the Red Star Rising chapter. When the Cephs think Prophet is the Alpha Ceph, Prophet starts to control them.

However, this situation doesn’t last long. The Alpha Ceph regains control, and the Cephs start attacking Prophet.

Misty Mountains Final Scene (C3MistyMountainsEnd_40534656)

At the end of the Misty Mountains chapter, Cephs start emerging from underground as a result of what they did at the beginning of the chapter.

The Earth’s crust breaks, and Cephs pour out everywhere. Then we see a fire from the sky hitting the Earth. This is likely an orbital strike from the Archangel satellite.

Then our camera rises to space, and it looks like a signal is being broadcast from a place we think is Lingshan. A line we don’t understand passes over the Earth.

BONUS: Claire Sacrifices Herself (C3RiverBetrayal_40534656)

We see something similar to a portal in the sky closing. Although this looks like the wormhole effect in the game, it’s 99% an attack by Archangel with low charge.

The camera moves to the control tower where Claire, Rasch, Prophet, and Psycho are trying to stop Archangel.


For some unknown reason, Psycho and Claire start arguing. At this moment, Rasch makes his famous speech.

I needed you. I needed all of you to escape my CELL prison. My children were mindless while I slept. Shutting down Archangel was the last thing I needed from you. And for that, I must thank you. The third and final stage.

The Alpha Ceph appears behind Rasch. Whatever move the Alpha Ceph makes, Rasch does the same. The Alpha Ceph design here is a bit different. It has arms and such. Rasch breaks the ground and throws rocks at Claire. Prophet is thrown to the ground during this.

Claire pushes Psycho out of the room to protect him and locks the room on herself. Then she blows up the room with an explosive. As a result of this explosion, Rasch and Claire die. Claire’s death happens here in this way. In front of Psycho’s eyes, she turns to ashes in an instant. She dies in a much more dramatic way than in the game’s version.

Then Prophet tries to calm down Psycho, who is having a nervous breakdown. The footage ends here. The famous scene at the opening of the Only Human chapter happens.

We were all human, Psycho. And we all fought. Me, you, Nomad, Jester, all of us. We fought. Not the goddamned nanosuits!

That’s all I could find for now. Until Crysis 4 comes out, I’ll continue to look into every detail of the previous games. Soon, I’ll prepare an article compiling what I’ve found about Crysis 4. Goodbye, stay away from the hivemind!

You can also click here for the alternative ending of Crysis 3.

Note: All image rights belong to Crytek.